Butterflies and Bravery
Butterflies and Bravery
Silenced in Eden
Jo Lloyd Johnson's daughter changed everything, the moment their eyes met, Jo knew that she would be responsible for introducing the world to her child. What will she do if her world is not the world she wants for her child?
“I spent most of my life trying to earn worth. But when I became a mother, I could not look at my child as I looked at myself. She was perfect. She was worthy. Slowly, she changed my black and white world into a world of vibrant colors. Silenced in Eden is my journey into a new world, my faith deconstruction and journey to healing.”
-- Jo Lloyd Johnson
This Mother's day, we remember and celebrate the strength and bravery of a mother's journey many of us know intimately: escaping a cult and breaking generational abuse, a mother’s journey to set herself and her children free.
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