Butterflies and Bravery
Butterflies and Bravery
On The Lighter Side of Things
Did you know that March was chosen as Women's History Month because it's the only month that came with instructions?
(No, it's a mom joke.)
For our first podcast of the month, we're keeping it on the lighter side of things so that we can continue recovering from last week's podcast. We chat about AI, diamond art and what's up ahead for this month, including the launch of our first EX-COG second and third generation chat group.
Yes, we definitely should have had a few notes on what we were gonna talk about.
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I finished all my butterfly, all your coasters, all your butter coasters. The set of butterfly coasters. That was
Oh that I like that one. this one's really pretty too. So cool. Yeah. Here's something like that I didn't know about the diamond painting stuff that they do. There's two different kinds of diamonds. There's round ones and there's square ones. Yeah. I just found that out today.
I feel like we're eight year old kids. . We're mere making. Yeah. You know what? We were never allowed to play when we were eight, so we do it now. Exactly. I find this extremely fun , and actually, I looking up just a little bit about it, this and that, because I was thinking about sealing my coasters with a little light coat of resin.
Oh yeah. The diamonds into place so they don't just go everywhere because they're coasters and they're gonna be used. So I wanna make sure they're all sealed. So I was thinking about that. So I was Googling it can I do that? Is it gonna mess it all up? They're all saying, oh, just put moge podge on it and blah, blah, blah.
But don't put too much, cuz it makes it dull. And I'm like, I don't wanna make my stuff dull. I'm just gonna put clear epoxy on it. But I'm gonna do a little test first to just make sure it's not gonna mess it all up. But what I was getting to was that it said that it was one of those things that's like Mind Behavioral Therapy. The motion of it actually. That is part of some sort of mind behavior therapy. Like it actually helps that part of your brain that turns off anxiety, like you were saying. I'm not joking. I think when they first started advertising it I was seeing it on TV advertisements like that long ago.
So welcome everybody, butterflies and bravery. I suppose we should catch you up a little bit about what we're talking about. But yeah, welcome to butterflies and bravery. I am your host Whisper and I'm with my lovely co-host and fellow hoster Jemima . Hello. We're having our first of the month podcast.
We should name each of our little, like our little four podcasts anyways, so it's the first of the month podcast. And so we're gonna do just a little bit of catching up and just a little bit of, just. jabbering because our last podcast was a bit of a doozy. It was a bit of a for anyone that hasn't had a chance to listen to it.
Hopefully we gave enough enough warnings for people. . But so what we were talking about was that was this diamond thing I don't know if it's a thing elsewhere, but they, they're pretty popular, they're these kits that you get, basically you're making quote, unquote a painting.
It is like paint what numbers in the sense that you're matching numbers to colors. But what's really different is that they're little diamonds and somewhere around, and some are square, but it makes a picture the way that like the way that a digital picture is like with pixels, right?
That's essentially what it is. And so what makes it very different in the paint by number, even though you are matching color to number, is it's very it's just very methodical. Like you, you can't, you cannot go fast. You cannot go any faster than you're one speed because pick up, drop, pick, drop.
So I'd see these and sometimes when I see something that sparks my interest, like I'll start having a conversation, talking myself out of it. Why I'd be stupid. Like I'm literally that fox with the grapes, ESOPs table guy. So I was always like, oh, I bet they're way less glit air than than advertisements.
I bet the picture doesn't come out looking as nice, blah, blah. I had all these things. It's just for children. . Then this last Christmas, , we were somewhere, we were out at a store and sometimes around Christmastime, here in the states, shopping around Christmastime is a nightmare. It's a nightmare. You're lucky Jamima, cuz you're like in, in small town America, but like in a bigger town we're in this medium sized town. So if we lived in San Diego, I would have 18 different major shopping centers to go to. . But we live in this smaller town where there's just if you're gonna do outside of business type of shopping, like when you're gonna get toys and electronics and, there's one main area that it all conglomerates at.
And it happens to be the area in our town that has the worst intersection. There's it's one of those intersections that's literally made like a hashtag. Oh yeah. You know what I'm saying? So it's like it's four, it's four lanes on each side, but they're separated.
It's not like they go to get Yeah. Ooh. And it's also right where the freeway entrances are. So it's a mess. Sounds like around the clock. Like it's always constantly backed up and backed up around Christmas time. That's the way you're getting into this shopping center.
Ugh. It would take, it take you about an hour until you're like, too stressed, . So I was like in this like slightly stressed state of mind of I just, I wanted to just go home. I had done enough peopling , but my daughter was shopping for her her hobby, which is a crochet.
So we were in what? We were in Joanne's, like the craft store, Joanne Fabrics. And they had the, so they had, I'm just looking through their clearance section and sometimes those stores that you go into, you know what I'm talking about? Everything's in one big pile. Yeah. There's it's like there's dishes and clothes and just dig through.
It's kinda like that. But in the pile, yeah, but in the pile there was, some of these diamond paintings cuz it was on clearance. It was like two or $3 for this fairly big picture. So I was like, you know what, , why not? Let me just see . It's. , I can afford to lose $3 if I don't like it.
Yeah. And then I started doing it. I was like, what the fuck is this? It just soothed me. And Do you remember I was telling you about it and you were super skeptical as well, . I was like okay. Whisper, . But then you started doing it next thing.
I know, you're like, you're so right, for me, I think it's because it appeals to both my artistic and my logistical side as well. Yep. Because I really do, have those two brains that sometimes seem to. , function completely separate from each other.
Yeah. . So maybe cuz it brings them together into one activity as they're like, oh this is nice, we're going the same direction. . Yeah. Everybody row same direction. That's amazing. We're moving. So anyways, yeah, that was the thing on the diamond art, the diamond paintings that we're talking about.
There is some special type of coating that they sell. It's like Mod Podge and it's about the same price. Cuz Modge Podge is fricking expensive. I don't know if they've tried to buy it. No. Oh my God. It's so expensive. But they say specifically oh, it won't dull the shine.
What do you wanna put on them? Oh my god. What the word? Oxy Resin. Yeah, the resin. I was thinking epoxy, but I couldn't get the second one. the resin. I think if you put it thin enough so that the light could still catch the sides, then I think it'll be, it'll work really great.
Yeah. My plan is to put this this super thick tape. Okay. And it's made for resin work. Oh. So it sticks, it doesn't stick really well to anything else but it really holds well, like this is what we used when we did our island.
. Cause we had a bunch of edges that needed epoxy. And so this is what we used. So this is what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna take the tape and stick it around the coaster and then just pour not even above the crystals, but just trying to get up to, yeah. To the height of the crystals so that they don't fall out.
Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm sure you've seen it on like social media, like some people they use like clay to form an edge. No, I haven't actually, I haven't looked at anybody doing any of this except for me. . Oh. If you wind up in, in resin, resin Insta Oh my oh.
The stuff that people make is incredible. There's this one thing that they do with resin and. The painstaking work. It must be they'll put a layer of resin and then they paint, they paint on it, and then when that dries, they put another layer of resin and then paint on that.
And so they do it layer by layer, but like paper thin layers. And finally when they fill up the glass or whatever it is, they've created a 3D painting. That's cool. That's within the resin. Yeah. It's so beautiful. That kind of stuff, like really fascinates me, takes some serious planning.
Oh, . Yeah. Yeah. , I've been doing some research today, . I realized, I was curious if you looked very much into these different AI programs that are popping up everywhere. have not at all. I just read about a couple of 'em.
That was it. Yeah. Everybody knows the chat, G B T or whatever. , I haven't looked into it too much, but I was watching this guy, he was giving a talk and he was talking about AI and he said, we're at the beginning, the birth of ai.
Yeah. Really? And he was, and it was kind, an inspiring speed because he was like saying we're at this place where technology is moving at such a fast pace. that it's jump on or you're gonna miss the bus type of a thing, whereas, like when the internet first came out or or whatever it was, and that, and then it was like people started, getting into it. I told you about the time that I was having the conversation with the guy that that picked me up from LA and when our plane got rerouted and he was talking to me all about this.
He was a tech guy. Yeah. And he's like, you know, um, I'm investing in Google cuz one day Google is going to make phones. And I was like, whatever dude. It's a . I hear you. That's funny. But yeah. Isn't that funny? Yeah. But it's interesting so what this guy was saying is that with ai it's advancing at such a fast pace and there's so much being put into it that.
There's shallows and then there's deep, like it's just gonna jump off. He said, and I know he's being dramatic, but he said, everything that you're studying for right now, everything that you're, that you're working to do, you're trying to figure out, you're trying to learn, it's going to be replaced by AI in the future.
And granted, that's a very big exaggeration. But his point was, if you really want to study for , where the future is going right now, you're gonna want to, you're gonna wanna look into AI and , here's what he called it he's called it a prompt engineer because the way that people get AI to do what they want it to do is to explain to it what they want it to do.
and if you can't explain yourself to the AI , it's not gonna do what you need it to do. And there's also like certain commands and all of that kind of stuff that, you know it's a language and it's an element of a language of a computer language. So yeah, he was like saying, he was like, if you really wanna look into it, look into becoming a prompt engineer.
Because then once you have got some of the basics down in that, any program that comes out, you're gonna be able to, work in it. Like a AI on TikTok is fascinating as well, cuz they're constantly showing all these programs like, oh, here's a program that You just put in these three subjects and it will , produce a marketing planning for you for the next month. Stuff like that, he was saying you could go and you could learn copywriting and you could learn to type and you could, start writing newsletters for your clients and you're doing it, one at a time and you can have five clients or you can learn ai.
You can plug in what the parameters are to them. And now you're making 50, 50 different newsletters for 50 different clients twice as fast as you could have done. Do you know what I mean? I know he's being a little bit dramatic in some of the things he was saying, but also it made a lot of sense too.
Yeah. I actually sent my daughter. the link cause I was like, what? What she talks about and see what she think about it because , we're already old. I'm in that stage, Gen X and everything, we are very tech savvy, but give it another 10 years, where are we gonna be? Like, am I gonna be keeping up with everything that's going on?
I might still be in, nonprofit and doing program directing and communications directing like I am now. And very happily of course, but. , I might never have a need to get on the highway on the AI highway.
Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah. But my kids are that age where, they're trying to find their footing okay here, where do I go? What do I do? It's interesting, to be on a threshold like this. Yeah. That's what it is. It's like you're on the threshold of something and
it's so much better to do some, do some learning and some studying and research now so that you have the basics. Once things start really picking up. And it's not just the AI specialists that are running these programs. Everybody is running these programs, but you are already ahead of the curve cuz you learned it.
and everyone else is trying to struggle to catch up. Yeah. And then we're gonna be like , the boomers with phones. Now we're gonna be that with ai. Wait what button do I push? How do I make this thing talk
Oh my gosh. Please, brain do not right. Do not fail me. . It's almost like cloning yourself, like we're all uploading our personal brains and their functions up to some super computer type of thing that's gonna be able to do anything. I know
Yeah, I this a I thing is like creepy. It is creepy. And . Just, I think I would say in like the last couple months I've keep finding myself having more discussions about it. I've had several discussions with my daughter about the AI art because there's a big, clash of divide of the AI is essentially stealing our artist artwork and replicating them in their style.
So yeah there's a debate about it. Like it's taking this stuff and, built the program is making money off of the artists that are now, no one's buying their art, so yeah. So we've had a few discussions around that and what's that gonna look like in the future?
And what is plagiarism gonna look like in the future, but another discussion I was having with somebody was about, , there's some new show out that had come out like 30 years ago or whatever. A Disney show, a Disney movie it's called Willow. Do you ever see that one?
Willow? I've never seen it before. It's ringing a very faint bell in my mind. It was one of Val Kilmer's early movies. Oh, okay. And he was a young guy in that I was like, geez, I don't know if I should seen him that young.
And so I was talking with a friend after I finished watching that movie, and I was like they're making a TV series now. The Disney Channel is making a TV series of Willow based off of essentially like happening, happening 30 years in the future, or 20 years in the future.
Gotcha. From the movie, it's timing capsules correctly. I don't know if that sentence made sense, but and so I was like, oh my gosh is Val Kilmer in there? Because I know that he's older and I have not seen him in a movie since I could remember. And I said something along those lines, and I don't keep up on Hollywood at all,
So my friend was like, yeah, he hasn't been able to. Go do a movie for years because he got cancer with the throat. He can't talk. . I was like, excuse me, what? He can't talk. And I was like, oh, shit. I had no clue. I just, I noticed his name wasn't on any new movies, but then I was like wait a second.
The Top Gun movie just came out and he was in that turns out that they had done his voice using ai. They took all his old recordings, like of him over his years or whatever, plugged it into AI and ai spit out a sound recording that sounds exactly like him. And he has a distinctive voice.
And. Yeah so my friend pulled it up and was playing this clip, and it was an ai conversation, an AI speaking , sounded exactly like Val Kilmer. And she's and again, no, does not have a voice. This is completely AI generated and
That kind of stuff starts to for me, starts to freak me out a little bit. But simply from the side of wait how are we gonna start knowing what's real and what's not? Yeah. How are we gonna know what's created and what's not?
Yeah. Are we gonna turn into people that were stopped using our brains? Because we can use the SUPERPOWERED one instead of, 80 people using each their own brain, we can plug it all together and have one massive brain Yep. That does it for us. And now we don't have to think and, you humans, like we, we go as fast as we can to not thinking Yeah. To the least effort possible. We go pretty quick. So it's a little frightening for me just on that level because , especially here in the States, as a country we've not got our values and we've not got our principles figured out at all. , it's still money that talks, it's still greed that talks, it's still, uber capitalism, not just capitalism, not just open markets, capitalism, which I support that. But this is like the Uber, this is like the fact that Amazon became, what it became was straight up from , extreme capitalism.
So the fact that's like the state of where the country and even the world is at right now , it does make it a little frightening . If you take something that's inhuman and you add it together with greed and lack of compassion and lack of empathy yikes, what I find is interesting and I'm sorry I'm like jabbering about this cuz I've been thinking about it so much we see a lot of these futuristic movies where the divide is the haves and havenots, right? Of the money thing. and, , future visions have been like, We're at a place where the gap is so wide. All you have is just the extreme rich and the extreme poor, and there's nothing in between.
But I've been thinking a little bit lately we might come to a point where it's like that with ai, versus creativity like , artists and the designers and the writers and anybody that creatively builds with their own mind might end up being the quote unquote poor of the future while the rich and the tech and it's all moving straight into as fast as it can possibly go.
I agree with you. It's gonna become like a thing of conscience. Do you have enough conscience to make it yourself or just create it Fakely. . That's crazy, right? You're totally right, girl. You're like a prophet test or something.
I've just been thinking about it a lot. I read this other article and they were saying I think Ford is the next car company that wants to start doing the self-driving cars. And they're already talking about making plans for a car that when you miss a payment, your car repossess it fucking self.
I've heard that. Yeah. Like a LoJack thing. It'll just drive back to the dealer. , next thing they'll claim themselves too. Let's do that. . Okay. So on the one hand I think that's of funny. She's fuck you bitch, I'm outta here. You right? Yeah. I'm gonna leave. There's an element of humor about that, but.
But from being the person that has gone sometimes a few months without being able to make a car payment, and my car was not repossessed, simply because I called and I begged and I said, listen to my kids in the hospital. Please can you just, give me another month. Just do the extension.
You're not gonna be able to do that with a car that drives off on its own. They're gonna be like, you are two days late to work on . Yeah. Or whatever the parameters is, because it's gonna be greed that's making those decisions and the humanity of it is gonna be gone.
Unfortunately, I think you're right. Yeah. I'm sure there's gonna be a way that, would that work? Because there's, even though there's a lot of bad capitalism and bad. Bad values and bad principles out there. There's also just as much, people that, that are principled and that have really high values and that they really want to, see a future that we have in earth.
And that's not just been like, raped by, fossil fuels and , obviously it's still money that ends up winning right now, but, maybe there will be a world that creatives like figure out a way, to trick the system or something.
But all that to say , I'm all that to say I'm gonna tell my kid maybe come look into this. Anything, just learn a little bit about it. Just do that. When the guy was talking about like about writing all these newsletters one of the ways that people make money these days is off of affiliate sales, right?
You can't make money off of affiliate sales unless you have traffic. You have to have traffic . And some of the traffic there's different programs and there's different things that you can do that you can actually build traffic that redirects to a website. . That's crazy.
Like you can build a website and build traffic and there. The web, you're not selling anything. You sell the website with the traffic's crazy. But anyways some of the some websites that get a lot of traffic that get really good affiliate sales and deals are like blogs for example, but some of them people that have been doing it for years, writing a blog.
But now if you have ai you're like this weekend, I'm gonna program this in here and at the end of the weekend I'm going to now have 75 blog posts or whatever it is. And it's gonna shift, it's gonna shift what you can and can't do in that way.
I can't remember all the things they're saying, but , . Oh, and right now also they're free, not all of them, but a lot of them are free. one of the AI programs is this pro, AI program where you can prompt the AI to be a language tutor , through chat.
Like you can
Teach it or prompt it to speak, , in the , human inflection, all that kind of stuff. And now all of a sudden you're tutoring, , six kids from Malaysia instead of the one person , do you know what I mean? Yeah, totally. Those kind of things , , that is gonna start happening.
A little bit scary. Scary little bit. What I was thinking of is, you know how people like misspell things to avoid the Facebook bots.
If you're gonna write penis instead of I, you put a semicolon in. I wonder if humans are gonna have to start doing that to show that it was written by a. . That is interesting. , that's exactly what I was saying. Like the creatives are gonna find a workaround. I bet. But you gotta be quiet.
Don't tell anybody. Cuz then I will know if we upload this podcast. the AI will know. But even that all you need is one time to teach it. Yep. That's what I was afraid of. Exactly. Oh, one person is oh, I'm just gonna teach it how to write like this.
Thank you. We're all dead now. . You know what? I think it's gonna be interesting though is because I understand them being able to make quite amazing art, digital art because it's two-dimensional. But think about an AI trying to, like auto design a collection like A runway collection.
Because they lady comes out wearing a half a pair of pants and a little half a shirt. . Because they wouldn't even know how, like how things fall on a body, on a human body. Like you really actually need eyes for that . Oh God, that would be so funny. So my tip for the future is either learn or
God. Our children can be listened to this in 30 years. It's gonna be like, oh my God, our parents were prophets. we're gonna be like, oh my God, our parents were idiots. , . Probably that, yeah, probably that. But I don't know. I don't think you're an idiot. You're pretty smart. . Guess what? Yeah. Sorry, this is really off topic.
I just wanted to tell you before I forgot. Oh, this is an off topic. , my mom's coming to take care of me after my surgery. Oh, I'm so happy. I know. I'm so happy. Oh my gosh.
That's a nice time to have your mom with you though. The first couple days after, like when you're literally not in your right mind, like you are, like you're on a fantastical amount of like painkillers or whatever it might be, and yeah.
I came home from the hospital both times. I came home from the hospital, when I had , that, that big month long stay in the hospital and they were telling me about people that came to see me . And you didn't remember? Nope. And I was having conversations with them.
Oh my. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, my, my blackout person is as boring as my regular person. , I can't,
I wouldn't call you boring. Anyone who thinks you're boring has zero brain. I didn't do anything. I guess I should say I'm, I don't have a scandalous junk or blackout per side of me. Oh, no. I Dom, it's, . Okay. . This is another thing that I think about sometimes is I feel like , I'm much more of a reserved person now than I was 10 years ago. Yeah. I am too. Yeah. By way. I never knew that I could be crazy.
Be seen. . Take up space, and yeah, be crazy. I definitely did some scandalous crazy things, that's for sure. But I think maybe everything that happened with my kids when, I spent a. Few years on the edge of every day not knowing if I was gonna lose everything
Yeah. Like my edges got a little sanded down or something. . Oh.
But we'll see. I could grow back into my childhood and I'll be a little old lady that has the, three colors of hair and colors of my hair and running around in jeans and following a band somewhere as a groupie. , I could see that. I could see you doing that.
Me too. You're like, yeah, me too. I could see that now , I have to tell you about this. Okay? Okay. Talk about Holy shit. They made a a new reality show, a dating reality show. The show is called MILF Manor.
Oh my, yes. And there's I don't know, there's 12 women and they're all like between the ages of 46 to, 54 or something like that. and , all of them have had a lot of work done. selfie's behind them with a tire pump and their lip scoop.
Can you that, that look
that look. So each one of these women are , all talking about they date younger guys. Like their whole thing is yeah, a guy my age can't keep up with me, blah, blah, blah. I've done my thing. I don't need a guy to support me, so now I just want like a fuck toy, basically.
And so they're going on and they know that there to live on a villa this reality show, dating show to date all these young guys and. . So the women are all there and the big reveal comes the guys are all standing out behind the screen and the screen drops and the guys turn around.
They're all their sons.
they're all their, oh my God, oh my freaking God. And all the guys at the same time. Were like, mom, my mom, oh my God. . Cause the women are
like, they're somewhere between 40, 46 and 50. So the guys are all somewhere between 20, 21 they all were 21 and up to whatever.
So they're just supposed to date each other's sons? Yep. Yeah. Oh my goodness. That's weird and gross. That kind of makes me feel scared. Okay . So Luke and I do have a guilty pleasure. Like sometimes we really like to watch train wreck shows, right? We don't even follow it very closely.
It's like we're doing something else, but like laughing at it as we go along. You're doing what's that called? Do you see My Science Theater? 3000? That's what you're doing. You know what that is, right? Yeah.
Oh my. Oh my God. Yeah, we were big fans of that show. Me too. Yeah, every once in a while our evenings will do that. And it's really fun when Kenny comes over too. Cause like that guy says smart as whip and to him, everything is nonsense, right?
Yeah, exactly. So it's like he doubles down on everything. I had a big, design project that I was doing, working on today. And because of today being what it is, it, was a difficult day for me to get through. I was like, I need something, I need to have a TV show on the background. So I saw that it had come out cuz I'd only seen the advertisements for it, this . So I was like, I'm sitting like, could I really do this?
could because yes. It's it's, oh God it's gonna be hair. I don't wanna hear this come outta my mouth, but it's so incest. Adjacent. Adjacent, you know what I mean? I mean I was single and running around like my fancy jor phases and.
That's right. When my son was coming of age 2021. And so it's a bit relatable. Some of his friends would app would approach me and I'm like, kid on me. And I'd be like, are you fucking kidding me? My son is your age.
Like, how do you think I could ever put that out of my mind. , there's just this ick factor, right? So I'm like, this is going to either be just awful or it's gonna be so awful that it's amazing. So that was so awful.
It was amazing. , it's a shit show of nonsense, but it did help me get through some of the tougher spots today. , what can make you, forget about, a really bad anniversary.
Sad anniversary. Then, incest like that just clears the board. Just clears the board. Your brain does a total 360. Woo. What? I forgot everything for the last two years. I don't know what's happening. . That's funny. Oh my goodness. The thing that immediately cured me from the sort of the ick factor . Is the boys with their shirts off. Sorry. No. They're supposedly dating each other's sons, but every interview they do it together as mother and son.
Oh my God. And yeah I was like 10 minutes in and I was like, oh this show is so fucking scripted. The jokes that they're coming out with, the things that they're saying. I'm sorry, but as a mother, I don't care , what stage of 20 your kid is in.
You're gonna know if they're flying to The Bahamas for a fucking TV show. There's no way They did not know that. So that's where I went with it. And I was looking for that sort of thing. And then I realized yeah, none of these guys are taking it seriously at all.
at all. So then when it becomes this kind of like this competition of who's gonna one up the other guy, yeah. Like , there was this one guy, and he was talking about this other mom who he found really attractive and his thing was like, all I can think about is sticking her toes in my mouth.
And you're like, excuse me, sir, please sit down
another one of the boys was like, they're having this conversation. , we can't just stick vanilla anymore. These are moms. We really gotta step up our game. I'm like, there is no 22 year old or 24 year old in the world that has that conversation.
Yeah. This is just a fucking train wreck that we're all gonna pretend is really happening, right? And we're gonna all pretend that these women all really wanna date other boys in front of their sons. What? Oh. And they room them together.
They room them together. Like they're doing the most. The most cringe you could get. What's the very most cringe you could possibly get? Let's double down. All their interviews are gonna be done together. So they're talking about sex and their likes and their dislikes together, and the younger guys are like, .
I don't wanna , hear about my mom. And I was like, then don't do this fucking show. So it took away that whole are these people really that fucking twisted to realized like, oh, there's not, they're Yeah. And at least everything that was in the first episode was, I don't think anybody like even kissed.
Ha. You know what I mean? So I was like, yeah, these guys are just playing around, , but it was dicey for a minute. Going in there, I was like, excuse me. What So funny.
And so then I did the other fun thing that. That we love to do when a really bad show is out is go Google it on Twitter. Oh God. That is the best. And I'm telling you, MILF Manor has some fantastic tweets. That's funny. This is the most horrible show I've ever seen in my whole life. And I'm watching every episode
Someone photoshopped a picture of Leonardo DiCaprio, like sneaking into some villa, and it said leo de DiCaprio was caught trying to sneak into the mom's village so that he could he could fix his reputation. Ha, . So that's funny. Oh my goodness. So yeah, it was just, I was like, it's hilarious.
It was nice to have something so crazy to just distract myself with. Other than cutting my leg open, what have we got coming up this month? , that's in the end of the month though. Yes, that is towards the end of the month. I know we're going to continue to work on and build what, we're gonna end up, like what we're gonna be doing at ICSA and getting ready for that.
And\ after we had our conversation about it again and I was like, circling back on is the pros gonna outweigh the cons, yeah. And And then I was thinking about that meeting that we had , with everybody. We had a face-to-face with the president of ICSA and she's amazing. Fucking big honor.
It's a super big honor. And . I personally was extremely surprised to hear that she does it voluntarily. She was offered a salary and refused. I was like, oh my God, that is awesome. You just won massive points in my book. Yeah
it's actually pretty incredible, right? Is it stuff it's amazing. , it's awesome. That's the goal, our parents' era was meant to go, they've worked they've made their money. They're comfortable. They're gonna, , slide into, checking out very comfortably why not keep themselves busy and why not do a good thing while they do it? You know what I mean? Yeah. Because , they know that there's no point in fucking collecting money. You could blink and you're not here anymore, what's the point of being worth 3 billion when you could get run over by a car That's on its way back to the dealer by itself,
Oh gosh. That was funny.
But yes. Okay. What we've got coming up we have a guest that we're gonna be interviewing. The other thing that we're waiting for confirmation is to hear from Casey on what day
the podcast that we did on her show. Comes out and . We'll post that for everybody too, if you wanna get it. And then for our trip down memory lane podcast, the end of the month we're gonna do something a little lighter before we steer back into. , the Dungeons of the cult . It might be we talked before about doing like a day in the life and, doing some stuff around those lines.
Just have a little bit of a lighter month. This month, everybody can reground themselves. Take a deep breath.
And then the other big thing that is happening and is, am I taking the whole like show, I feel like I'm saying all the things
I don't know what things to say.
I'll just keep driving then. Really funny. Oh my gosh. So the other thing that is going to still happen and also happened is the born in a cult groups that are off and running. . Yeah. The part A we already had it. And Jemima and I got the honor, the absolute freaking honor to moderate it.
And I feel like some of the people that came were so gracious because they came from, the other group that we're part of, and everyone's been just so encouraging. And I know that , several people in our group has said that they really admire, the podcast.
And a lot of them listen to the podcast, which is also it, I feel a huge honor.
All of everybody that came, there's so beautiful and just like talking about things feels super, super honored that we got to do that this week. And so next week we are going to launch , the strictly children of God group. And the main reason for. dividing that out is simply because a lot of our network is it.
Like we know a lot more people from the children of God than we do other born in a cult kids. Yeah. And also I feel like
I don't wanna speak for anybody, but I think perhaps some people are a little bit more nervous about joining a group with other people that have been in other cults, because it's like putting yourself out there with strangers, but, this is what I've just heard from a couple people, that they just would feel more comfortable in a, like X C O G only group.
Yeah. And I think it's a good, like springboard, it's a good place to Oh, absolutely. Hey, this is what it's like, and then maybe they can, even move into other, like going into the Lalich center or whatever, or not. We can all heal together and like you always say, we don't have to translate ourselves.
And that's an amazing feeling when you're used to translating yourself all day, every day. And we did have the sort of the ice break of having gone through Dr. Lalich's program We weren't starting from ground zero of just going cold Turkey into let me tell you about my deepest heartache type of things.. By uh, being able to just have conversations with people that have grown up in your own cult I think there's a place for that.
The ways that I've grown through the different experiences of ex-members that I've had I'm sorry I ca I that I, it's such a habit. We're not ex-members. We never joined. But the other, places that I've been surrounded by are connected with other born in kids.
Yeah. . My first one was with that moving onsite by Jules. we lost a treasure when we lost Jules, And Right. Everybody was so angry in that one. Do you remember? Yeah. Everybody was so angry, but very mean. Because we could be anonymous, right? So you weren't really offending a person.
And it was perfect. It was perfect for what we needed. We could really fucking vent, right? Yeah. And there is a, there's a huge portion of healing that, that comes when you can really get angry about what happened to you and what they did to you and how wrong it was, and how much of life you've missed and how much has been stolen from you.
Healing's not linear. , there's not a 1, 2, 3 step. But at somewhere in your journey, , you're gonna have to meet that place where you're like, I need to be angry. And then, we started having , the connections in the Facebook groups.
Those have been really fun too. And also growing, deeper friendships. Yeah. I'm really good friends with some people in there that I've never even met person. . Yeah. Me too. Really cool. . For sure. And yeah. And then we've had the chance to go and be a part of these groups that are other born in kids.
And yeah, that's been a huge experience in itself, yeah. For sure. And a huge learning it's really great. And, what's really nice is to know that, there's all these little places that are starting to come up, watching these resources and watching these, opportunities start coming, forward. Because in some ways, we're doing the big brother, big sister kind of a thing not that anyone experienced anything, worse or, we don't do the trauma Olympics.
That's not right, but at the same time, it is also really nice to be able to look at some of our younger siblings and be like I'm so glad that you didn't have to face things as alone we did when we first went out. Cause we were the oldest.
The earl the seventies kids.
Super exciting. We would love for any of our listeners that fall into either of the categories of second generation, third generation and would like to explore some groups. Definitely get in touch with us. Email us at uh, butters and butters and bravery butterflies in bravery <LAUGH> gmail.com.
And just be like, yeah, hey, I want this information, or I need that information and we'll get you connected. , the Lalich Center, Dr. Janja Lalich is a fantastic resource. Yeah. Because it is an organization that they need to fund and run. That, there is there is gonna be some payments involved any programs that you get into or even the group
There is some scholarships as well. It is open to, anyone they have scholarships available. Yeah. So yeah, lots of exciting things happening, yes. I'm going to a training next week, a two day train. Two, day training for. High impact presentations from the , the Dale Carnegie Institute. Nice. That's why our first meetings, it will be on the ninth, the. . Oh, okay. So we'll do it on Thursday this time, and then after that are be on Wednesday and after that it'll go back Wednesday? Yes. Gotcha. I was wondering about that. I was looking at your text.
I was going like, wait a minute, what is this? Hang on a second. That's not a Wednesday. . What's going off the deep end again? Okay. . And then I was just like oh, I guess it is. She must be right. . That why? Look, no, she that. It's a Thursday. Of course that makes the perfect sense.
Oh my God. If you say, Wednesday is the ninth, I'll just say, okay,
Oh my Lord. That's funny. Usually I try to. Form either opinions or ideas out of some bases in education, knowledge, or reality. But sometimes I miss
I miss I right? Sometimes I miss, it's my arch is not that great. , I'm still working on that one. Potato, potato, tomato to tomato . That what movie? This was on some show where they were comparing two things. And the one person was like, they compared these two things that were completely different, like apples and oranges.
And they're like those two, those are not even remotely like, Relatable and she goes, potato, tomato, . Yeah. Tomato, potato, tomato. I was like, excuse me. Okay. I like that one. . You're confused, but okay. We'll take it so that can be that. That'll be my I'm sorry, I got this super mixed up. Potato, tomato, potato, tomato.
All right.
You wanna walk us out? My lady show sexy. Send you to swallow. There's bathroom deck,
We should tell those stories sometimes. Oh my God. We should like the. . . And , the plays. And do you remember the first time , they dressed me up as the king or whatever. And so I was playing a guy and I did that voice thing and nobody could figure out who it was.
Oh my God. That was amazing. That's funny. Those were actually some pretty happy memories. And as soon as we started having too much fun with it, they immediately killed it. Do you remember? Yeah. Like they actually put Tiago back in training. Like he got demoted.
Yeah. Or foolishness. . Yeah. He having way too much fun with us. We were actually enduring our lives for about five fucking minutes.
That's right. I'm walking this up. But butterflies are brave. Wait a second. Hang on. , stay brave. Stay brave, stay butterfly. And always remember, stay a butterfly and always remember that you're brave. And you were a caterpillar before Is that right? Yes..